Spring Clean Your Life

Its no use waking up every morning moaning that your life is the same and that noting is happening or blaming other people or circumstances for where you are now in your life – remember “ if it s going to be its up to you to change you attitude and focus on what you can do to achieve your better life – So read on ….Spring Clean Your Life!

Spring cleaning has its origins in ancient history. Back then; with no labour saving devices and no electricity, spring marked the start of the season when the weather allowed a complete cleaning of the cave or house. Since then, the tradition has been maintained but now there is a new angle. It is called life coaching and it is, in effect, spring cleaning for your life.

According to Confident Queen, life coaching is one of the most effective ways of staying green and growing instead of becoming ripe and rotten. It is simply a way of looking at where you are now, where you want to be in the future and how you are going to get there. Confident Queen is a life coach who helps her clients to do just that in a series of one-hour telephone conversations at weekly intervals.

“A few people are able to do this for themselves but the vast majority find that having an outsider like me to keep them on course is a vital ingredient in their life spring cleaning. The only place that you can start to change your life is here and now. So with my clients, I focus totally on the future and the actions that will lead to the positive results that you desire”.

 “In the same way that our homes can become musty during the winter months and often look in need of a new lick of paint, so our lives can become a bit tattered and full of mental junk that no longer serves us well.  We all, without exception, carry a load of excess baggage in the form of worry, guilt, fears and false beliefs or expectations. As your life coach, my aim is to show you how you can , clients can easily let go of some of the  baggages you may be carrying, so that you can create room in your life for new and exciting challenges.

Confident Queen: “Many clients are amazed at the positive impact that even a small change or shift in attitude can pro d u c e . ” This really is spring cleaning for the mind.

Email me: genny@confidentqueen.co.uk

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