Thursday, 30 September 2010

Yes You Can:  Yes you can- write your wish in a balloon and le...

Yes You Can:  Yes you can- write your wish in a balloon and le...: " Yes you can- write your wish in a balloon and let it fly high!  When someone says You Can Do It, I feel inspired, energised, excited, m..."

Yes you can- write your wish in a balloon and let it fly high!

When someone says You Can Do It, I feel inspired, energised, excited, motivated, knowing that everything starts with me  believing I can do it, then focusing on what I want to achieve and taking action each day towards achieving my dreams, and like an eagle I fly high.

So today, stop wasting your life, stop blaming other people, stop complaining about the current economic situation, stop complaining about the things you don’t have to achieve your dreams, focus on what you have and take action now.

So here is a simple exercise for you to do now!
  1. What are the things you want to achieve?
  2. From that list just focus till you can select one thing that you really want to achieve.
  3. Why do you want to achieve it?
  4. What emotions would you experience when you have achieved it?
  5. What is stopping you from achieving your dreams?
  6. What can you do about the things that are stopping you achieving your dreams?
  7.  Now plan the little steps you are going to take to achieve your dreams!
You are in this world because you "CAN" which means you can Confidently Achieve, and Nurture the gifts and talents in you.
If you need help with this then as Confident Queen, I can help you so visit my website, it’s not too late, and you are not too old or young to achieve your dreams.
This Christmas give someone you know the gift of confidence with my Confident Queen coaching gift